: UA-LR-SSP-2022-06-21-000001-2 ID: c35d356f9cc84bc5a768dbe8ba7f4b9d
Type: Information message

Будівля їдальні

Будівля їдальні (інв.№ 273) площею 1321,1кв.м.
Starting price of an object:
162 748,81 UAH incl. VAT
Bidding period:
23.06.2022 15:48 - 13.07.2022 19:36
Auction date
14.07.2022 15:42 - 14.07.2022 16:38

Date of creation:
11.08.2022 16:35
Modification date:
11.08.2022 16:35
Editing period:
21.06.2022 15:43 - 23.06.2022 15:43
Auction is completed. Qualification
Associated object:
Associated contract:
Bank details