відходи МНЦ 15-20

Trading failed

Initial Cost 1 844 640 грн.

Guarantee deposit 18 446,4 грн.

Відходи латуні

Auction is completed. The contract is signed

from 10:20, 21 Jan 2020

Initial Cost 402 887,94 грн.

Guarantee deposit 4 028,88 грн.

Обрізки картону

Trading failed

Initial Cost 12 954 грн.

Guarantee deposit 129,54 грн.

Скло бите

Trading failed

Initial Cost 13 200 грн.

Guarantee deposit 132 грн.

Обрізки картону

Trading failed

Initial Cost 12 954 грн.

Guarantee deposit 129,54 грн.

Скло бите

Trading failed

Initial Cost 13 200 грн.

Guarantee deposit 132 грн.

Обрізки картону

Trading failed

Initial Cost 23 622 грн.

Guarantee deposit 236,22 грн.

Trading failed

Initial Cost 12 493 грн.

Guarantee deposit 124,93 грн.

Auction is completed. The contract is signed

from 12:15, 17 Oct 2019

Initial Cost 1 700 грн.

Guarantee deposit 17 грн.

Auction is completed. The contract is signed

from 12:40, 12 Aug 2019

Initial Cost 68 250 грн.

Guarantee deposit 682,5 грн.

Trading failed

Initial Cost 82 500 грн.

Guarantee deposit 825 грн.

Trading failed

Initial Cost 2 000 грн.

Guarantee deposit 20 грн.