Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 36 585 грн.

Не вказано

Trades canceled

from 09:25, 30 Oct 2019

Initial Cost 170 220,5 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 340 441 грн.

Не вказано


Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 135 079,5 грн.

Не вказано


Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 118 724 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 135 079,5 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 118 724 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 237 448 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 270 159 грн.

Не вказано