Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 68 588,18 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 273 142,81 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 41 624 692 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 31 218,88 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 60 739,2 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 13 436,6 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 31 938,1 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 51 831,9 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 56 700 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 153 100 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 4 100 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 174 900 грн.

Не вказано