Bidding failed

Initial Cost 1 891 820 грн.

Не вказано


Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 1 902 400 грн.

Не вказано


Bidding failed

Initial Cost 154 220,5 грн.

Не вказано

Trades canceled

from 09:38, 30 Aug 2022

Initial Cost 120 000 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 18 777 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 36 016 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 619 091,18 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 1 489 027 грн.

Не вказано

Auction finished. The contract is signed

Initial Cost 693 527,5 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 1 949 299 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 154 220,5 грн.

Не вказано

Bidding failed

Initial Cost 1 902 400 грн.

Не вказано